Friday, April 04, 2008

Quick Hits: Hot, Hot Box, Varvatos Parties Down & More

It's Friday. You're probably a little groggy from going out last night. You're eyes are blurry and blood shot, and they can only stay open for a few seconds to read this. We'll make it fast. Quick Hits! Qui Qui Qui Quick Hits!

1. One of our favorite Little Birdy's checks in to let us know that after all this time, the Box is indeed still going strong, saying "nice surprise performance by Mos Def at isnt burnt out yet." Scandalous! Our LB also lets us know that Kiss and Fly is apparently kicking some ass, saying "saturdays hv been hot". Indeed.

2. Some secret things have been going on behind the plywood at the new John Varvatos store on the Bowery. A LB reports, "I saw a gaggle of pretty young things leaving the new Varvatos store (old CBGB) on Wednesday night. It looked like they were having a small party or something." How fun.

3. What's up with Steve Lewis trying to pigeon hole Jayma Cardosa during his gripping 3 part interview? Mr. Lewis repeatedly refers to the co-owner as "the consummate Bottle Host", despite her partners telling him that she is doing a bit more than that. Give the lady some respect. [GNML]