Last week, we briefly mentioned the materials that are being used at the Bowery Hotel's second story bar. It's time to revisit them. There is a bit more to discuss. Ready?
1. The boys scored an entire building's worth of vintage bricks from a nearby building site. Cost? $3000. Actual retail cost today would have been 7 figures.Like we said before, the entire thing is more than a home run. It's a grand slam. If only they would let us in.
2. Srs. Goode and McPherson (along with others) scoured the surrounding area (venturing to other states) for vintage materials that could be incorporated.
3. When said materials were found, the space was redesigned if necessary. This happened multiple times. It helps keeps the workers on their toes.
4. The tiling is pretty slick ta boot. (ta boot!)
Gemma the restaurant at the Bowery hotel opened last night (Friday 29th) - no tastings, no private parties, just simply opened the doors at 6:30 - by 9:30 the place was packed! The food is delicious, the wine fantastic and the service impeccable - especially considering it was the first night. It is a gorgeous space with no detail left unconsidered - like the hotel it is a knock-out! Where were you?
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